Monday, January 30, 2012

"Starring Role"

Strength of the Storm was featured on WPTZ Channel 5 news here in Vermont last week. They interviewed ex-Weston resident sandy Gaffney and Director Rob Koier. You can see the video here:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Green Mountains

Strength of the Storm will be shown on March 17, 2012 at 4pm at the Green Mountain Film Festival. After the film there will be a panel discussion with the mobile home park residents featured in the film and filmmaker Rob Koier. For more info about the film festival visit: and to see the new, upgraded web site for the film visit:

Monday, January 16, 2012

More Bina

Some stills I took for Lifenaut last summer were featured in an article about Bina48 in a Norwegian magazine.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Screening in Central Vermont

The central Vermont premier of Strength of the Storm, a film Directed by Rob Koier and Produced by The Vermont Workers' Center is coming up, January 28th at five pm at Barre's Old Labor Hall in Barre, Vermont.

Check out the web site or facebook page for more info:

Strength of the Storm

On August 28th, 2011, tropical storm Irene devastated many communities across southern and central Vermont. One week later, The Vermont Workers' Center, a local non-profit, hired me to document the recovery effort. A very powerful story of a community coming together and organizing to create change emerged out the wreckage. I made a five minute trailer and a fifty-five minute long film about the recovery effort at Weston mobile park in Berlin, Vermont. More than just a film, this was a transformative experience for myself and the people that became the main characters of the movie. Their courage and resilience in the face of disaster is inspiring.

For more information, upcoming screenings and to see the five minute trailer visit and to find out about The Vermont Workers' Center's ongoing Put People First campaign visit
The original score was written by Elm Audio, check out his web site here:

Spider tops 100k views

Our trailer for Tigerstyle's iphone video game Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor just passed 100,000 views on You Tube.

Tigerstyle's new iphone game, Waking Mars has been garnering lots of interest in anticipation of it's official launch this winter.

Bina 48

A video we did last year for Lifenaut on the advanced friendship robot, Bina 48 just reached 13,564 views on youtube.
You can see the video here: